General Plumbing
The local pros you can count on for quality plumbing service
Plumbing is one of those things you don’t think about much until something goes wrong. Leaky faucets, overflowing toilets, low water pressure, and sump pump failure are just a few of the jobs we get calls for all the time for general plumbing. Some are urgent, and others are emergencies. No matter what your situation, Plumb ‘N’ Plumber is prepared to get your plumbing back in working order as fast as possible.
If your home or business is experiencing any plumbing issues, don’t put off calling in the professionals. We’re a family-owned business serving Cherokee County and the greater North Atlanta suburbs, and we’re pretty proud of the reputation we’ve built. When fast, cost-effective, and friendly service is what you need, give us a ring.

We’re the plumbers you’ll be glad you called.

Make plumbing maintenance a top priority
Don’t use chemical drain cleaners
Do pay attention to water pressure
Don’t flush the wrong things
Do address problems right away